This space hosts collaboratively collected materials related to the research and advocacy mission of the group. Collections of research papers and grey literature, guest blog posts, videos, photo stories and other relevant materials are continuously added.
BaYaka education: From the forest to the ORA (Observer, Réflechir, Agir) classroom
Academic Journal
Author(s): Daša Bombjaková, Sheina Lew-Levy, Romain Duda, Ghislain Loubelo, Jerome Lewis
Schooling is part of a global effort to help Indigenous peoples adapt to their changing social and ecological worlds and assert their human rights. There is ongoing discussion among anthropologists and educational researchers as to…
Playing, Working, and Learning in Flux: Perspectives from African Post-forager Childhoods
Book Chapters
Author(s): Velina Ninkova, Monika Abels, Andrew Kilale
This chapter focuses on the relation between play, work and learning among San and Hadza post-forager children in Southern and East Africa. Pre-school and non-school attending San and Hadza children structure their daily lives based…
Hunter-gatherer children at school: A view from the Global South
Academic Journal
Author(s): Velina Ninkova, Jennifer Hays, Noa Lavi, Aishah Ali, Silvia L. da Silva Macedo, Helen E. Davis, Sheina Lew-Levy
Universal formal education is a major global development goal. Yet, hunter gatherer communities have extremely low participation rates in formal schooling, even in comparison with other marginalized groups. Here, we review the existing literature to…
Who teaches children to forage? Exploring the primacy of child-to-child teaching among Hadza and BaYaka Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania and Congo
Academic Journal
Author(s): Sheina Lew-Levy, Stephen M. Kissler, Adam H. Boyette, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Ibrahim A. Mabulla, Barry S. Hewlett
Teaching is cross-culturally widespread but few studies have considered children as teachers as well as learners. This is surprising, since forager children spend much of their time playing and foraging in child-only groups, and thus,…
Hunter-gatherer education special issue: Introduction
Academic Journal
Author(s): Jennifer Hays, Velina Ninkova, Edmond Dounias
This special issue focuses on the role of education in the lives of contemporary hunter-gatherers. Though extremely diverse, hunter-gatherer groups share some common characteristics in regards to their social structure and their relations with surrounding…
What school for the BaYaka?
Author(s): Romain Duda
In the Republic of the Congo, a network of schools founded in 2006 have been specifically developed to educate BaYaka children. Run by Catholic missionaries (ASPC, “Association des Spiritains du Congo”) and supported primarily by…
Cooperation and the evolution of hunter-gatherer storytelling
Academic Journal
Author(s): Daniel Smith, Philip Schlaepfer, Katie Major, Mark Dyble, Abigail E. Page, James Thompson, Nikhil Chaudhary, Gul Deniz Salali, Ruth Mace, Leonora Astete, Marilyn Ngales, Lucio Vinicius, Andrea Bamberg Migliano
Storytelling is a human universal. From gathering around the camp-fire telling tales of ancestors to watching the latest television box-set, humans are inveterate producers and consumers of stories. Despite its ubiquity, little attention has been…
Local ecological knowledge among Baka children: a case of “children’s culture” ?
Academic Journal
Author(s): Sandrine Gallois, Romain Duda, Victoria Reyes-García
Childhood is an extensive life period specific to the human species and a key stage for development. Considering the importance of childhood for cultural transmission, we test the existence of a ‘children’s culture’, or child-specific…
Rule of Nature
Author(s): Dieter Primig, Gabriele Wadlig
This 25 minutes short documentary was filmed in Namibia, featuring one of the !Kung San communities. The director aims to show the audience how the formal education system does not serve the interest of the…
‘Like Father, Like Son’? Baka Children’s Local Ecological Knowledge Learning in a Context of Cultural Change
Book Chapters
Author(s): Sandrine Gallois, Romain Duda, Victoria Reyes-García
Hunter-gatherer societies face social-ecological changes that have led them to alter their living strategies. Given the importance of local ecological knowledge for subsistence and for the preservation of biocultural diversity, this chapter analyses how social-ecological…