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CES Hunter Gatherer Education Workshop
March 28, 2023 - March 30, 2023

HG-Edu is organizing a 3-day workshop in Tromsø, Norway. This workshop forms part of a project funded by the Cultural Evolution Society (CES), in which we work with individuals from hunter-gatherer communities, educational policy-makers and practitioners, and other researchers, to identify scientifically-informed approaches to education for hunter gatherers. A major goal of the project is to determine effective ways to communicate our findings to relevant government institutions and civil society organizations. The project lasts for 18 months, and each participant is expected to actively participate in creating tangible results in the form of written and audio-visual publications. The maximum number of 20 funded participation slots are filled; however we have room for a few more participants, and we welcome applications from those that are able to cover their own costs, and whose experience and goals match the aims of the workshop. Please send applications as soon as possible and by 10 January 2023 at the latest. The steering-committee of HG-Edu will review the applications and provide notice of acceptance by the end of January.